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Category: Taxation-Corporate

May 31, 2024

State and Local Taxes: A Core Consideration for Businesses 

做生意总是有成本的,这一点在州和地方税收中体现得最为明显. Understanding tax requirements plays a crucial role in starting and running a successful business; bringing sufficient know-how to business decision-making should include well-informed tax planning, 影响范围广泛,如您的实体所在地,并确保遵守所有适用的税务机构,以避免发生法律问题.   Each state and local jurisdiction has its own set… Read more ›

March 26, 2024

President Biden’s Proposed Budget Highlights His Tax Agenda

President Biden has released his proposed budget for the 2025 fiscal year, 包括影响企业和个人纳税人的众多税收规定. 尽管这些条款中的大多数几乎没有实现的机会,但在美国退出欧盟期间.S. House of Representatives remains controlled by the Republican Party, 他们可能会根据11月选举的结果获得新的生命. Here’s an overview of the major tax proposals included in the budget. Business Tax Provisions The budget proposal includes many changes… Read more ›

March 18, 2024

Trust Types as an S Corporation Shareholder 

公司是一种允许应税收入通过的企业结构, losses, credits and deductions to shareholders, 从而防止收入在公司和个人两级遭受双重征税的后果. Although an S corporation benefits from certain tax advantages, 它还面临一些限制,比如股东人数限制——不得超过100人. 作为遗产规划的一部分,一些人选择利用…… Read more ›

March 11, 2024

IRS Notices Changing for Brevity and Clarity 

如果美国国税局通知的复杂性一直让你摸不着头脑,那么你并不孤单. Fortunately, the IRS is addressing this problem with a “Simple Notice Initiative”, 这一雄心勃勃的项目将在2025年报税季之前影响到国税局90%的通知,并将在未来几年推出,以改善与客户的沟通. 首先将更新通常发给个人纳税人的通知,包括…… Read more ›

January 24, 2024


美国国税局(IRS)宣布了一些2020年和2021年纳税申报表面临罚款的纳税人的重大减免措施. The relief addresses a mishap caused by COVID measures. 4.7 million individuals, 企业和免税组织在没有收到催收提醒的情况下缴纳滞纳金. 美国国税局将提供10亿美元来解决这些罚款或偿还已经缴纳税款的申报人. 那些符合条件的人将在本月的某个时候收到一封信,不需要采取任何行动…… Read more ›

January 23, 2024

2024 Tax Calendar

为了确保你不会错过2024年的重要截止日期,葡京会手机app下载议员 & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app)提供了这一摘要和pdf副本的各种税务相关表格, payments and other actions are due. 如果您对截止日期有任何疑问或需要帮助,请查看日历并使用我们的老葡京手机app表格(链接在本博客末尾)告诉我们. January 31 February 12 February 15 February 28 March 11 March 15 April… Read more ›

November 17, 2023

Case Study: CARES Act Turns Net Loss Into a Positive

概览:面临重大净经营亏损的事件管理公司, turned to 老葡京手机app for help. 老葡京手机app利用这笔损失和《葡京会手机app下载》中的一项规定,降低了上一年的应税收入,并为该机构赚取了一大笔退款. 挑战:一家活动管理公司面临着131美元的重大财务挫折,000 net operating loss on their corporate tax return. With the prospect of no future refunds or tax deductions, the company reached out to 老葡京手机app to determine… Read more ›

November 15, 2023


Does your business receive large amounts of cash or cash equivalents? If so, 你通常需要向美国国税局报告这些交易,而不仅仅是在你的纳税申报表上. 从2024年1月1日开始,这份报告必须以电子方式完成. 以下是一些关于需求和变化的问题的答案. What Is Required? Each person who, in the course of operating a trade or business, receives more than $10,000 in cash in one transaction (or… Read more ›

November 9, 2023

Expect Credit Processing Delays from PTE Tax Filings; Proposed Solutions (Hopefully) on the Way

2023年的纳税季节可能需要企业主从直通实体(PTE)申请抵免的额外耐心。. Maryland has seen a growing number of PTE filings the past few years. 工作量的增加加上主计长办公室内的行政障碍, 导致了几起退货不准确和处理延误超过预期的案件. 马里兰州主计长致信税务专业人士,详细介绍了该办公室的困境,并提供了解决方案,包括向报税人寻求帮助……. Read more ›

November 8, 2023

IRS Offers a Withdrawal Option to Businesses That Claimed ERTC

最近美国国税局关于雇员保留税收抵免(ERTC)的警告和公告引起了一些企业对其索赔有效性的担忧, but complex, 与流行病有关的信贷——以及无效索赔的潜在后果. 老葡京手机app帮助许多客户在满足批准的标准要求时提交索赔. However, 我们也认识到,许多没有与信誉良好的税务专业人士合作的企业可能被欺诈者误导,认为他们有资格…… Read more ›